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As-builts for Preservation & Adaptive Reuse


Our team assists with much of the heavy lifting during the research phase. Using a methodology specific to historic spaces we capture the ornate architectural styling and years of changes accurately in the footprint, elevations, core building drawings. This frees the design team to focus on key building details to preserve and which changes are to be made rather than collecting data for site analysis.

Addressing Documentation & Approval Steps

When classified as a historical landmark, restoration projects most often require approval by the city before restoration could take place and precise documentation of existing conditions, along with proposed modifications are critical to moving the project forward.

The ability to analyze “reality capture” data from drawings, point clouds, or photography is invaluable when developing a renovation strategy. Using a 3D model of the existing structure facilitates testing multiple ideas without having to make dozens of visits to the site or commit to the entire project.

Ensuring Design Feasibility & Project Success

Understanding the condition of physical attributes critical when working with an old building envelope. Electrical, plumbing, and HVAC updates are usually needed, and ensuring safety and functionality are huge caveats for building code compliance.

Uncovering details and conditions that would have gone unnoticed until construction enables coordination and resolution of conflicts before they ever occurred. For historic buildings, capturing the finest details of the trim or window casings with a high degree of accuracy makes good documentation a vital tool.



Floor Plans, Elevations, Reflected Ceiling Plans, Above Ceiling Details, MEP System Details, Furniture/Fixture Layouts, Site Plans, Roof, etc.


3D Models are created at various levels of detail from basic to ornamental. May also include online visualization of the Point Cloud if laser scanned.


Digital still photographs provided as report documentation. Both still images and 360° photographs are keyed to plan for easy reference.