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Document Archiving

One challenge that seems universal for facility managers is document-archiving. Often both historical and new drawings for their spaces must be kept. Some plans are large-format paper documents, others are in a filing cabinet, and more can be found on someone’s computer if you know the filename.

To create and maintain a successful document management program means you need a team that is focused on solving the “bigger problem.”

1. Make it Viewable

archSCAN does not just digitize documents; they organize plan-rooms, create metadata, and create a searchable system. It’s a real, sustainable solution for facility leaders.

  • Simplify organization and cleanup of both paper and electronic documents. Drawings and technical documents are researched, inventoried, and cataloged
  • Discover what you have and where you have it. The trained staff identifies gaps, removes duplicates, implements version control, and develops a file plan
  • Modernize your workflow. Transform confusing files into a logical digital archive that ends document searching, eliminates paper file storage, and improves emergency preparedness

2. Get it Usable

Coast 2 Coast has a robust list of available services, including as-built surveys, 3D laser scanning, 3D modeling, and reality capture. The partnership with Coast 2 Coast means that leaders can identify and fill gaps in documentation.

  • Verify the plan you have on file is up-to-date, correct red-lines, and see where new as-built surveys are needed
  • Capture the architectural styling and years of changes in the footprint, elevations, core building with a new survey
  • Validate design feasibility before renovation projects. The ability to analyze reality capture data from current drawings, point clouds, or photography is invaluable when developing a project strategy

3. Keep it Sharable

AerieHub is a customizable, web-based platform that simplifies access to your facility information. It provides a safe, secure, and intuitive e-Library for maintenance personnel, security teams, architects, engineers, and contractors.

  • Clarify the mission. The Documents Module keeps critical CAD drawings, facility documentation, and space utilization details available on-demand for easy collaboration
  • Manage space planning dynamically; see what you have and who occupies each space with the Space Management Module
  • Coordinate and improve audit performance by giving the auditor access to key compliance documents

We make it easy as 1, 2, 3.

We understand that building alliances is the best way to solve a problem. We provide a full-service, turn-key solution – converting paper chaos, capturing the current state, and delivering details online.

Challenge accepted.

No more plan-room chaos.

The document retention period for facility documents is much longer than most other industries. Depending on the age of the structure, documents must be kept for decades. Blueprints and drawings are very difficult to manage and store. Not only do they take up a lot of space, but they are also hard to locate when needed. Digitizing and indexing files makes documents accessible.

No more outdated documents.

Facilities are not static. They are working buildings and campuses and changes are constantly being made. New as-builts help you avoid costly mistakes. During renovation projects, many change orders occur when information is lost or outdated. Existing condition surveys keep records complete and current.

No more lost data.

All too often there is often only one copy of a paper document. The information could be lost forever if they become damaged or misplaced. Maintenance and engineering staff changes mean that no one knows where to find information – or if it even exists.  A digital archive closes the knowledge gap.